Accueil IN ENGLISH “West Africa Faces Severe Internet Disruption”

“West Africa Faces Severe Internet Disruption”


According to the monitoring group NetBlocks, individuals in West and Central Africa are encountering difficulties accessing the internet, with Ivory Coast being particularly hard-hit. The group reports that the companies overseeing the sub-sea cables responsible for connecting the region to the internet are experiencing numerous failures. However, the exact cause of these issues remains unclear.

NetBlocks further reveals that internet connectivity in Ivory Coast is currently operating at a mere 4% of its anticipated capacity. Additionally, countries such as Liberia, Benin, Ghana, and Burkina Faso have also experienced significant disruptions.

In South Africa, users are also facing sluggish internet speeds. A spokesperson from telecommunications company Vodacom has attributed this to “multiple sub-sea cable failures between South Africa and Europe,” impacting various network providers.

Piers Potter



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