Accueil IN ENGLISH “Hopes for HIV Cure Rise with Gene-Editing Breakthrough”

“Hopes for HIV Cure Rise with Gene-Editing Breakthrough”


Scientists have claimed to have eradicated HIV from infected cells using Crispr gene-editing technology, which was awarded the Nobel Prize.

Crispr functions like molecular scissors, cutting DNA to remove or deactivate harmful sections.

The ultimate objective is to completely eliminate the virus from the body, although further research is necessary to ensure safety and efficacy.

Current HIV treatments can suppress the virus but do not eliminate it entirely.

Presenting their initial findings at a medical conference, the University of Amsterdam team underscored that their work is still in its early stages and does not yet constitute a cure for HIV.

Dr. James Dixon from the University of Nottingham concurs, emphasizing the need for further investigation.

Ongoing efforts by other scientists and Excision BioTherapeutics have shown promising results, with three HIV patients exhibiting no significant side effects after 48 weeks.

However, experts like Dr. Jonathan Stoye from the Francis Crick Institute caution against the challenge of eradicating HIV from all potentially infected cells and the potential for long-term side effects.

While isolated cases have demonstrated apparent cures following aggressive cancer therapy, this approach is not advisable as a standalone HIV treatment.

Piers Potter



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