1005 people have signed. Help us reach 4000 signatures.
Nearly 6 million innocent people have been killed in the country of Congo all because greedy nations want to steal their rich natural resources in minerals and have infiltrated this country to kill and steal. Leaked UN documents have been circulated and many nations are aware of the situation but still continue to do nothing about it. they watch in the sidelines as innocent continue to be treated as though they are less than humans! The document PL109-456 that was signed by President Barack Obama urgently needs to be fully implemented to enable the people of Congo be free from these bully neighboring nations’ leaders whose armies are being funded and used as props to create a crisis whilst the natural resources are being extracted. Innocent women are being raped to create instability and hopelessness within communities, children are being killed and deprived of a future whilst the men are left helpless and without a cause to fight for! Let us join together to create awareness of a nation that is slowly dying before our very eyes. Let us stand to fight for this injustice for fellow humans who being extinguished for selfish purposes. Many people are speaking up for the plight of Congo but need more of us to stand until something happens. Let us give the people of Congo a voice!
If you would like to donate please do so here.
See Document here.
[pdfjs-viewer url=”http%3A%2F%2Fcntlive.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2017%2F04%2FBILLS-109s2125enr2.pdf” viewer_width=100% viewer_height=1360px fullscreen=true download=true print=true]